I just love the Amy Butler line of papers and stuff - especially the bags. I can't quite bring myself to buy one of the bags because I am afraid it's a bit on the big side for me, but I just love the colors and patterns of the fabric. I stopped by
Scrapbooks & Beyond to say hey to Kelley today and pick up some of the Making Memories Holiday stuff I've been waiting for her to put .....(and dang it if everything I wanted was sold out!! She just got it last Wednesday for crying out loud...he he he.) Anyway, I told her I'd model the bag for her so she (and the mouse in her pocket, he he Kell...) could post a picture of it on her blog. I wish they sold the Amy Butler fabrics around here !
On to other things. School started last week. Heaven I tell you -but I am not getting all the things done that need to be done. My Mom and I did make a huge batch of spaghetti sauce, and I"m working on some class samples for my class at
AE on October 8th (Kristen, I'd love it if you can come. I need to write you back.....soon) I'll hopefully have some pictures to post tomorrow of the samples. 4 pages in 4 hours. YUP you can do it - and I'll do all the cutting...LOL.
Anyway, back to school. Thought I'd share this picture of my little Pup from the first day of school. Isn't he handsome??
I love the amy butler fabrics! We have a cute little store here that carries some of her patterns & fabrics, it's hard not to spend a fortune on it! I just got some of the MM deck the halls line. pretty stuff. :) Not sure if I can cut it though. Love the first day of school pic! I have a few years before that comes. Oh how fast they grow. :) Good to hear from you too!