Creative Jumpstart 2021

Creative Jumpstart 2021
Join me for the 10th Anniversary of CJS2021

Saturday, September 1

New Banner, whaddya think?

oK, I've spent the last two or three nights working on a new fall banner, but - I am not sure about it. So, please let me know what you think so I can decide to post it or not. I do like it better this morning than I did last night. The image is little snippets from one of my pages in SEW Somerset.

Speaking of Somerset, check out the review of Sewing on Paper in the September/October Issue on page 122.. Thanks Amanda Nolan, you did a great job. Well, TTFN everyone...maybe I'll post again later today.


  1. I love it Catherine! It looks like you stitched all the pieces together! Maybe it will grow on ya when you see it on your blog! Congrats on the review! I have your book on my wishlist. :)

  2. My vote is keep it. I think it is so cool. Love it!!!

  3. Cool banner, cool card... FANTASTIC look with the goggles!!!

  4. Well, I don't know what your banner looked like before, but this one is simply awesome. I love it. have a wonderful blog too. :)


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