I tried to post last night, but it appears that my connection is not fixed! Had this long post typed and then when I uploaded I couldn't connect, grrrrr. Anyway, wanted to point out that I added a few more favorites places for you to check out - places I check a couple of times a week. Nice places, inspirational and funny, and with cute Pookies like Bonorama Mama....check out her cutie patootie pookie!!
Anyway, the page above is an old one, because that's all I could find last minute. I haven't made it to the post offce to mail Collage Contessa's page (sorry) but I will. I have a deadline for EK Success that I need to get finished today, and Tammy over at Heart in Hand must think I fell off the face of the earth. I haven't - just having a hard time geting my class finished. I promise Tammy, it's close....oh so close!
Here's a sneak peak of it. Though, it's changed a little since this image, and this one is pretty dark...that was when I didn't have any power in my studio....but that's been fixed! Sorry it's small, I haven't the time to add my name to it and I am afrad it might find it's way somewhere where it doesn't belong....I'll change that and reload it for your viewing pleasure!!

that lo is gorgeous! Of course I'm a fan of pink :) Thanks for the nice words, the pookster is pretty darn cute! Be checking your mail you should be getting some goodies soon!
ReplyDeleteOH CAT... that looks AMAZING!! I cant wait to see it all! Tammy will love having your gorgeous work over there! I know what you mean about "busy" , I feel swamped lately too. When I'm busy and then I loose a long post I just typed... it's about all I can do.. not to just SCREAM!!!! lol