Tuesday, October 30
Computer funk..

Wednesday, October 24

Playtime with Prima Paintables !!

Monday, October 22
Fall Foliage, boy it's YUMMY!

Yesterday we went on a hike with the Scouts to Bradbury Mountain State Park. It was so pretty, the leaves in perfect color. At the beginning of the trail it seemed pretty steep, and I was quickly regretting my 50 minutes of running on the treadmill. My butt hurt - my hamstrings hurt - it was tough. And steeep. And rocky. And oh my gosh my butt hurt so bad. When we got to the top - I will say all the pain in my backside was worth it - because the view was gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.
I took a video to show the peacefullness of it - but well - imagine a small rocky mountain top with 10+scouts, their famileis and a bazillion other people enjoying the sun and foliage - and well, the movie just isn't peacefull at all!
I've been busy today, but need to get busier. I've had this project on my mind with the Prima Paintables - and since I thought I had missed the deadline for their contest I put it in the back of my head....but found out this morning that the deadline is 10/31....so I've been working on that as well as some things for Natalie over at Creative TECHniques Magazine.
For now, it's a batch of applesauce and supper for the little Scout....so TTFN and happy Fall....or should I say Indian Summer?
Sunday, October 21
Busy busy = BAD Blogger!
Thursday, October 18
October ScrapMuse Kit

Wednesday, October 17
More Rusty Pickle!!

Monday, October 15
Rusty Pickle Challenge!

Wednesday, October 10
Halloween Place Card Holder
Tuesday, October 9
Monday, October 8
Busy FUN Weekend!

It was a long weekend, no school on Friday and Columbus Day today and we had a ton of things planned and did most all of them. Thought I'd share this little photo collage I made of the little V at Subway on Saturday before we ventured off to Michael's in BeanTown for a little Martha Stewart Market Research. He ordered his own sandwich (a melt with pickles, banana peppers, cheese, meat of some kind, tomotoes, lettuce, mayo....on some kinda fancy bread...all his own choice...including the two jalapeno peppers he requested!)
Oh my gosh we laughed so hard, I think the pepper was a bit hotter than he thought it was going to be. His eyes watered. Face got red. And he drank all of his water. He was so great about it. I also picked up a lovely writing table at a yard sale for 25 bucks on Saturday. I've dreamed of a desk like this for so long, now I have it....and I love it!! It's to be my new sewing machine table....for my new machine! ;-)
Little V and I also made a little video for Vic's 29th birthday...I can't for the life of me figure out how to put it here so you can see it over at her blog....I think she's smarter than I am, he he. I'm also not smart enough to flip the movie so you don't get a crick in your neck...but next time I promise to hold the camera properly. I think I'll make a video of my little girl singing for her treats....lol.
Sunday, October 7
HAPPY Birthday Vic!!

Friday, October 5
Long Weekend!

Well, ta ta everyone. Charlotte you need to say hey!
Wednesday, October 3
Some NEW creations!

I got a beautiful card yesterday from Shawn at Bonorama Mama , she posted it on her blog - it's very beautiful - THANKS Shawn. It was very thoughtful of you!! Chatted with my dear and lovely friend Vic on Monday too! Gosh I wish she lived closer, but we'd probably not get any work done because we'd be junking every day!! I also got a lovely little package of things I ordered from Teresa McFayden today - ooops don't have her link. But, I ordered a little crown and some other lovelies, and most favorite is the French dictionary pages. Yum. Can't wait to use that!! Well, that's all for today! Have a great rest of your night!!