I had big plans for this weekend. My guys went on a boys only fishing trip in upstate New York early early on Friday Morning and I had the weekend to myself. After a facial, some junk shopping and a movie on Friday and Saturday morning I settled in for some crafting projects and Red Box Movies. I wanted to make some stamped projects for my Expert Blog post, and I also wanted to make a card using this sweet stamp from Inkadinkado. I've had it for several weeks and couldn't stop thinking of what I want to do with it.

Sunday, while working on another project that required the use of my sharpest scissors -- I had to stop make a quick trip to the ER to get my finger fixed up. I decided to get some professional help after 25 minutes and it was still bleeding pretty heavy. It was quite comical driving myself to to the ER -- shifting and steering with one hand and holding my bloody wrapped finger up in the air to help stop the bleeding. In the end, they couldn't do anything for me but get it to stop gushing and wrap it up. Because the tip was gone there was nothing much to stitch.
It hurt quite a bit, and I bumped it a couple times today and it started bleeding each time. This isn't the best picture, but that's me with my huge wrapped finger in the ER.

That's all for my drama, thanks for stopping by, hope you had a safe weekend and stayed out of the ER!
Note to self: when you think you need wire nippers -- get up off your lazy butt and get them instead of trying to make do with scissors.
OUCH!!! Finger wounds are the WORST!! Mine was a knife...I went to the ER as well after getting lightheaded (from not having eaten versus blood loss I'd wager). They mashed a new, spongy-type product against the exposed area that gave the platelets something to attach themselves to. Took 4 weeks to fully heal and the finger tip is *still* misshapen (it has been over 6 months)! I am so sorry this happened to you, and truly feel for you. There are even special band-aids for finger wounds too, once you get to that point (2 weeks?). It hurts just to see your photo with your finger!!