Creative Jumpstart 2021

Creative Jumpstart 2021
Join me for the 10th Anniversary of CJS2021

Tuesday, August 7

A Good Old Country Fair!

We took the little V to the fair tonight - to watch the Demolition Derby. Oh, it was so much fun watching him cheer them on and the smile on his face as they cracked up. Every boys dream I think, must be to drive a car in the Derby. He and I both cheered for the one woman that we saw driving - she had a paper crown on the top of her car - and her car was all pimped was awesome, except her car caught fire and she had to get out before her heat was over.

It also wouldn't be a fair without walking the midway, checking out the Exhibition Hall, Winning something at the Cork Gun and Dart games....oh and the Doughboy we shared was great. I was so disappointed with the Exhibition Hall, it was SO empty...but some of the crafts looked awesome.

Sorry I've been such a bad blog poster this last week, I just haven't felt like sitting here and typing - I've been trying to get some work done...Little V has been home and BORED and sad. Big V. started his J.O.B. and he's misses him terribly in the day. I love that he loves his father so much, but he's a very emotional and sensitive 7 year old. (Must take after his Dad that way cause I'm not super-sensitive AT all!! ;-) Well, I leave you with these pictures with promises to share some from last week tomorrow! Nighty night.


  1. Cool pics Cat! I really enjoyed them. I was missed your post..but TOTALLY understand you needed to spend time with little V. Much more important. Glad you guys had fun that the fair!


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