As we were moving in and unpacking, I looked at everything that passed through my fingers and remembered where it came from and the details of its life in my {our} possession. This little quilt was like a blast from the past as I took it out of the box. I think it was one of my Senior Art projects from high school - and I remember quite clearly how proud of it I was when I finished it, even if I did botch the stitching!
It's a piece of white muslin that I "painted" proceon dyes on and then one time it was mounted on a canvas and displayed it in my home. Not sure what happened to the canvas, but I am glad that I still have this lovely and bright papillon as she sits on her pretty flower.

I also wanted to share some of the art that hangs on my walls that I absolutely love. When we lived in Washington State we had our favorite little antique spots in Silverdale, Port Orchard, and a couple of other places that I can't remember the name right now. Anyway, this beautiful bouquet came from the town that has the Purple Haze Lavender farm - and the shop was a lovely, funky little place with lots of cool things. This oil, about 18 x 18 with the frame was only 60.00!! My husband so kindly procured that for me because I was so in love with it, he's a gem that way!!

This little piece came from a little store down by Cape Disappointment. It was ONLY five bucks - I couldn't leave it. After I spent 75.00 on this frame for it I don't think I could ever part with it. LOVELOVELOVE it. It reminds me that I always want to have a room with a view, and since we are surrounded by trees I can look at this for a little "view".
I am not sure where these daisies came from (I think some little dive in Port Orchard), but they were in a VERY ugly frame with canvas on it. When we moved in here I discarded the frame and stuck it in this gold frame that I had hanging around. Still not the perfect frame, but at least I feel good about hanging it on the wall!!
This rubber tree plant I saved for last because it's my ultimate favorite. Everyone thinks I am crazy because I love it so much, but every day I find myself gazing at it. Maybe I am wondering why she never finished it? Or I am thinking that I used to have a bowl exactly like it. I am just not sure, but it was cheap and it's cool and that's ok with me.
I've got a couple more that I will share with you tomorrow...for today I need to find a motivational coach to kick my arse so I will get it in gear and do what I need.want.can and should do. Do you know what I think is standing in my way? I do.