Last week Kelley gave me my monthly package to make fun stuff for to display at the store to help sell the products she gets in stock. If the customers can see a project using the goods it usually helps them come up with ideas of their own. Inside was this funky wooden clock she picked up at Christmas Tree store, super cheap and in sad shape - I immediatley thought it had potential.
A little pink paint, several layers of that yummy crackle I talked about a couple of days ago and turquoise paint embedded in the cracks - some fancy schmancy numbers from Basic Grey and Triple Thick Glaze, add my beloved Basic Grey paper in the center and I think I've got a beautiful thing to hang in my "room" when it comes back from being on display at Scrapbooks & Beyond. It doesn't appear to keep time for crap - even though I invested in new clock works, but I love to look at it, so I guess that's all that matters.... right?

In other news, please don't fall off your chair because I posted two times in one day.....ha. Seriously, sorry about the lighting on those pictures....I just couldn't wait until tomorrow to take the pictures and post it for you then. I just am so in love with the way this clock looks.
I just looked back to admire it, and it appears to be on time now that I tightened things up a little with a wrench or whatever that thing is called.
Anywho, looks like we {might} close next week. Even though we aren't happy, things have got to move forward.

My class at Absolutely Everything this Saturday has been re-scheduled. Kinda relieved - even though I have everything ready to go. I've had such a hard time wrapping my brain around anything that I feel much better about not making an utter fool of myself in front of 20 women anxious to learn about Sewing on Paper. I will say I am excited as Kate invited me to go down and play at the store with some new products in stock. She said I should go before school got out - so I hope to get down there next week. Kate is such a cool woman - and so creative and fun. Totally looking forward to hanging out down there (and maybe a little shopping too!)
I saw the original clock WAY before the re-do and thought, "what in tarnation is this UGLY thing???" and then I saw what YOU did with it...it's just lovely!!!