Fears, that is.
I'm scared of big dogs with loud barks....I was attacked on my 10th birthday by an Alaskan husky/wolf mix -- it snapped, and growled and tried to tear at my neck and got my face instead. Thankfully the external scars aren't real visible -- but the internal scars are HUGE and immobilizing at times. Literally -- I freeze up like the TinMan.
I'm afraid of success, yeah -- go figure.
Probably why I have a million mountains and valleys in my art career.
Probably why I have a million mountains and valleys in my art career.
I said I had lots of fears, doesn't everyone?
Wanna know what I'm not afraid of??
Making mistakes in art. Flinging paint. Starting over. Covering up a mess and giving it a new beginning. Acknowledging that the colors, design -- or whatever -- just didn't work. Rather than abandon it -- I am trying to stick to finishing it. Yes, it sucked - but I stuck with it. What's the worse thing that could happen? It still looks like dog doo after I re-paint, re-decopauge, re do whatever it is that sucks. It's ok. There is a lesson in that mistake, as in life -- that you can learn from. See it. Catch it. Cover it up. Move on. Finish it and put it away. You just might like it later on. Or -- you just might re-do it again....later on.
I think it's a huge accomplishment to stick with and finish a piece of art that is going to the dark side.
Have a great weekend.
Ahhh...the "F" word...you said the "F" word...we all battle fear...it can cripple one! But how do your break through it?