busier than I want to be...I was away from the house all day today - and when I finally got home at 5pm I was frazzled and ready to sit down and relax, but I didn't....work work work and laundry too! We watched a movie - well Big V did while I worked on the computer...it was good. Funny at times, sad too! Not a must see though.
Some of you have commented wanting to know how Saturday went, and I've been avoiding talking about it. It was a long day for sure, up at 5:30, and rainy - and not so busy, very frustrating to say the least. It was really busy in the morning and then in the afternoon the traffic completely died down. It wasn't a total flop, that's for sure - but I was really geared up for lots of people all day long - and was really hoping to have a sell out and that didn't happen, maybe I set my sights too high. I'm hoping for a better weekend this weekend - it's another fair - but two days at the Brunswick Hockey Boosters Show. It's been around for a long time and supposedly gets over 2000 visitors. I have one more show after this and then it's smooth sailing for the rest of the year! Cross your fingers and toes that we have some busy days!
Since I haven't posted for a couple days, I thought I'd share some cards I made recently. I just love all the wooden stamps I bought from InkaDinkaDoo and Stampington. So easy to paint the images and do pretty things with, you should get some for yourself too!

You can't tell, but on the Season's Greetings above I painted Tattered Angels type of stuff on and the letters and scrolly thing are all iridescent, a lot nicer in person that's for sure. The silver thread matches the iridescent stuff I painted on. It gives this card a very elegant look to it.
Also wanted to share these pictures of our local Elks Lodge that I took yesterday, Veteran's Day. It was such a powerful sight to behold, 200 flags on the lawn of this Federal Style home. The minute I started clicking away the tears started flowing down my face. It was so beautiful - so very meaningful - it made my heart swell with pride for all the Veteran's out there (including my husband). On the way home all I could think of was the news that had made me angry the night before. They had interviewed Americans that had moved abroad to live and now that obama is our president-elect they are "proud to say they are American but they couldn't before". I'm always proud to be American, no matter what color, political party or religion our president belongs to! grrrr, that made me mad!

Well, I need to get to bed, tomorrow is another BUSY day for me!