It's been snowing like crazy here - yesterday I think 9+" fell and today it's started AGAIN - with 9+ predicted. It's been a fun couple of days...we went snow-shoeing as a family yesterday (plus my 5 year old nephew) and again today...though my LV was a bit of a party pooper today. And we didn't even go that far! I have a feeling that we will not have school tomorrow - so I am not quite sure how I am going to manage to get a snow shoe work out in for myself....I'll have to stick to the treadmill again.
Last night we went to see National Treasure. LV was on the edge of his seat the entire time. It was so wonderful to see him sucking up all the history that they talked about in the movie, I hope he continues to stay interested in it! After the movies it was fruit and chocolate fondue....that was nice but today I didn't feel so good. Could have been the popcorn too....who knows. I'm desperatly trying to stick to my new chicken-a-tarian food resolution, he he he. That means I'm a vegaterian but I eat white chicken meat sometimes to make sure I"m getting enough protein.....I gave up all things BAD for me...except on New Year's Eve...when I get sick from eating it...but that's another story..he he he. All things bad for me means: NO = meat, dairy products, white sugar/flour/rice (except on sushi), coffee, candy (except chocolate fondue on New Year's Eve) potato chips and snackie foods. Yes. It. totally. SUCKS. But, my fat pants (the ones that I used to wear when I was feeling a little bloated that suddenly started to be to small for me....) are now almost my fat pants again, which means they fit like they are supposed to.
Except today I feel nasty. From the popcorn. and the chocolate. NASTY. I've been back on the wagon all day today - until my Mother whipped out her box of oh my gosh you're a bad wicked Mother Godiva truffles that she got for Christmas. . . . from me. LOL. Tomorrow is a new day and I am determined to stick with it. DETERMINED I tell ya.
I'm also determined to share more of my creations with you. I've got some things to take pictures of later to post on ESTY, so stay tuned for that. Also I've got some classes to come up with for Scrapbooks & Beyond....and if any of you store owners out there want to have me come and teach a class, or two or three at your store, just shoot me a message and we'll talk about it! I love to travel, just about anywhere!
Well, I've got to get some laundry done, there's no rest for the wicked that's for sure!
I hope you get to feeling better Cat! I am pretty much a vegetarian too. I do eat meat about once a week. I cant eat chicky though, ever since I got pregnant it just makes me ill. wierd. do you like tofu? I have a few good easy recipes and I also have this veggie wrap thing I eat all the time full of sprouts, fresh veggies in a low carb tortilla wrap. Good for you Cat it is so hard to get in the habit of eating right. I havent done as well as I should have last year, here is to a new year! :0)
ReplyDeleteWishing you a wonderful new year!!! Hope you are doing better soon! Huge hugs - natster to catster
ReplyDeleteOh Cat we can be the yucky twins. HAHA. I think eatting all of the good but rich food during the holidays has caught up with me today. Hope you feel better. I will have to let my lss know about you. It would be so cool to meet you and have you teach me some of your creativity. Happy New Year.