Have a lovely day everyone, and thank YOU all AGAIN for all your kind words!
Have a lovely day everyone, and thank YOU all AGAIN for all your kind words!
Yes, you heard that right!! I'm giving away two copies of my book, Art from the Heart and YOU could be the lucky winner.
If you are interested in winning a copy, all you have to do is post about my give away on your blog and you'll be entered to win one of the two copies...if you want to include the picture, right click on the image, go down to properties and copy and past that link into the spot on your blog where you upload URL images....be sure to post a comment here so I know you're playing along!
GOOD Luck everyone! oh, the deadline will be Monday, February 4th....so you've got plenty of time!
Leuconoe, don't ask — it's dangerous to know —what end the gods will give me or you. Don't play with Babylonian fortune-telling either. Better just deal with whatever comes your way.bWhether you'll see several more winters or whether the last one Jupiter gives you is the one even now pelting the rocks on the shore with the waves of the Tyrrhenian sea — be smart, drink your wine. Scale back your long hopes to a short period. Even as we speak, envious time is running away from us. Seize the day, trusting little in the future.
My intention is to Seize the opportunities {harvest} while I still can, and have the ability to ...because tomorrow someone else will have seized them from me!
Have a great weekend everyone....Talk to you on the flip side!
The other day while I was doing my blog-hopping thing I came across this lovely blog by Christi Snow. She's taken my class and created two lovely Shadow Boxes with her own creative twist, and I must say, she's done a lovely job. Scroll down to December 22nd here at her blog, Altered Ambitions to hear what she has to say about the class and some close ups of her projects.
THANK you Christi for letting me post these here - and thank you for the kind words you've said about my class...and you did a lovely job....
This little canvas is 2" x 6" and has an original branch and acorn top adorning it....
This is a little kit of extra's from a class I have coming up this Friday night.
Another 2" x 6" Canvas. This one has a vintage bisque doll adorning it along with the vintage dictionary definition of "faith" .
This Little Hope is one of my favorites. It's a 2" x 6" canvas with crackle paint and she's got some lovely little wings too. The image below is a close up!
You can follow the link to my Etsy shop by clicking on the banner on the right side of my page...Have a lovely day! If you want to have this shipped internationally please email me and I'll figure the shipping charges to you and we'll go from there.