We had beautiful weather for our weekend at
Acadia National Park up near Ellsworth. The hotel we stayed at, the
Bar Harbor Grand Hotel was lovely and very comfortable - though the continental breakfast wasn't that great. All the other things about our weekend made up for the crummy breakfast.
One of the many highlights of the weekend was seeing my boy thoroughly enjoy himself at a fancy schmancy restaurant. We didn't know any better and walked in wearing denim and sneakers - but should really have dressed up a bit to fit in with the decor of the place. That didn't damper our meal though, and we left very happy, and full! We saw Thunder Hole, though it was pretty quiet, went to Sand Beach looking for sea glass but didn't find any. We also went to a couple other beaches where we found lots of great treasures. One of them being my dear friend Hannah! I couldn't believe it, we were headed to Bass Harbor Head Light and saw a very familiar car. I looked at the license plate and realized that it was my friend and her family searching for treasures from the sea just like we were.
We drove up to Cadillac Mountain, though driving up wasn't half as hard as driving back down. Geez, I white knuckled it most of way back down. On the drive home on Monday we stopped at the
Big Chicken Barn Antiques. It was huge, and filled with lots of cool stuff. We only looked at things on the first floor because we needed to get back on the road! I can see a trip to Acadia with the whole family this fall some time!

I wonder why they have this sign up?? Do you think it applies to everyone ?? Thanks for visiting, ta Ta for now!