Friday, January 26
Leaving....on a jet plane...
As promised.....
Thursday, January 25
Still Cold!
Of course, the day couldn't go by without a funny picture! Can you see me in his glasses?
I promise to TRY and get some more pictures tomorrow and post them. Though I do have a million things to do before leaving for CA on Saturday morning. Including trying on my pants to see if they still fit. I still have writing to do for Natalie (Creative TECH) and some projects to pre-prepare for my demo's at CHA.... good night good friends. I will sleep content tonight.
It's in one piece NOW!
3 Boxes Down......
Tuesday, January 23
All Time Favorite Picture!

We were sitting in the backseat of my old White Altima - driving from McCall, Idaho to Silverdale, Washington - right after we had picked up Emma (she was on my other side). Ian was bored and tired of being in the car. So we started horsing around with the camera. My hair was wicked short - and it looked cute there - and I was so very happy - and Ian was so very happy too. Instead of 3 and a dog we were then 4 and a dog....but now we are three again....and still have the dog too. I guess the dog has moved up in status 'cause now she's my baby girl.
I don't know how Emma is, but I think of her a lot. I'd like to hold her tight some day and tell her what she brought to us. Maybe. Just maybe.
Wow this post went down in the dumps quickly! Sorry for the downer. Hold your babies tight tonight! xox.
Tuesday, January 16
January ScrapMuse DT Layout

Sunday, January 14
A Wonderful Review!
Saturday, January 13
Comfort of Friends!
Wednesday, January 10
We have a WINner!!

Can't HELP myself!
Tuesday, January 9
We have a DATE everyone!

Friday, January 5
I got on the ball....

So I called her.....and then I got on the ball last night. Since my box was mailed to Utah yesterday afternoon {insert happy dance} and I was giddy with relief - I started brainstorming about the class and what was I going to teach 20 eager ladies about stitching on paper and incorporating fabric too...and this is what I have come up with for our little wall hanging so far. I strayed a bit from my sketch I posted in December - but I am in love with the scalloped stitching around the edge. Oh how Sewing on Paper makes me happy.SEWING CLASS UPDATE
The February 10th "sewing on paper" class has filled and we are taking names for a waiting list. I am checking with Catherine to see if there is a second date we can set up. Stay tuned. (Wow, moving the sewing machine to the paper arts room, along with the blender, pasta machine, toaster oven...the appliances seem to be having a reunion in my craft room.) Also, Catherine, if you are hearing this news for the first you should give me a call.
Thursday, January 4
Sneaky Peaky!

Tuesday, January 2
Wow, 2 times in 2 days....