thought I'd share a few pictures from our vacation....on the first or second day we saw this beautiful rainbow, which turned out to be a double rainbow....and then a little while later saw another set of double rainbows. I've never seen them this virbrant and pretty!

No trip to Rangeley is complete without a trip to Height of the Land. Though most people don't sleep on the rocks! :-)

We went panning for gold in the Swift River....and actually found several small pieces. THAT was fun, though the boy who was most excited about it quit first because he doesn't have the patience for it!

The hubs was very patient, but he only found tiny pieces! My Mom and I found the two best was fun but it didn't take long for my wrist to start hurting.

We spent a lot of time sitting on the dock while the boy swam in the frigid waters!

We took a great hike up Bald Mountain. About 2 miles up, it wasn't too steep and there was a fire tower at the top. The boy took this picture at the top of the tower, isn't that a cool cloud formation?? !!

We got really muddy, look at my right foot, it's completely covered in mud!
The two weeks away were very nice, but I really missed my normal routine - which I'm very happy to be back at. Today we went and picked 9 quarts of high bush blueberries. I plan on freezing some (well I'll be picking some more for that) and making blueberry jam and syrup tomorrow in between yoga and grocery shopping!
Well, thanks for visiting, hope to spend some time making some thank you cards tomorrow too! Enjoy your Wednesday....halfway to the weekend!