it no longer looks like Fall! The grass is green, leaves are on the branches of trees - and dandilions have sprouted up on beautiful lawns. I'm happy to report that the BOY has discovered a new way of removing them from the yard.....take a stick - and whip it through the air just over the head of the dandilion - and Voila - the head is cut off!! He He. I think he was bored yesterday when we visited our friend to see her new chicks and ducklings.

A Morning Dove on her nest in a pretty apple tree.

Another pretty apple tree, it's so pretty - but it had no scent at all. Surprising!

Aren't they the cutest little ducklings? I didn't see one ugly duck!
We're having a pretty relaxing day. The weather is kinda crummy - we woke up to rain and it's still over cast though the rain has stopped. I've got some work that needs to be done - both personal and assignments for some new products from EK Success. We've had such a hectic couple of weeks that we've decided to also implement "pj day" rules, the Boy is relaxing from project to project - and sneaking his legos, Nintendo and computer into breaks in between. I'll share some pictures of a few of the projects I've been working on tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
ohhh those ducks are so cute. Are they right at your house? Love the pictures! Hope you had a gorgeous relaxing weekend :)