Creative Jumpstart 2021

Creative Jumpstart 2021
Join me for the 10th Anniversary of CJS2021

Saturday, August 24

I'm really excited to announce that I've moved on over to my new website. You can find me here:

Make sure you update your link! 

Wednesday, August 21

Somerset Holidays & Celebrations LoVe!

I skipped all the way home from the mailbox yesterday -- as the long awaited Somerset Holidays & Celebrations hit my box and I couldn't wait to see my article in print. I love the way the article turned out -- the photography -- while it doesn't look that special here -- is so beautiful!

Keepsake Ornaments by Catherine Scanlon - in Somerset Holidays & Celebrations 2013

And, I already sold some of the leftover houses -- though I need to hire my neighbor (oh and did I mention -- he's also my Dad  :-D ) to cut some more for me so I can make a few more for  consignment. These are by far, my favorite ornaments that I've made over the years. 

Keepsake Ornaments by Catherine Scanlon - in Somerset Holidays & Celebrations 2013

I hope you'll take a peak at this beautiful magazine -- it is JAM PACKED full of beautiful projects to make through out the year and well worth every penny!

Thanks for stopping by, see you next time!

Tuesday, August 20

Fancy Frame for Sizzix

I hope you will take a minute to click on over to the Sizzix Blog to see a few more pictures and see the supplies I used to create this "ordinary" picture frame and custom mat that I created!

Frame with Decorative Mat by Catherine Scanlon for Sizzix

Enjoy and have a WONDERFUL day!

Monday, August 19

Live, Love, Laugh, Create Journal Page

Hey everyone -- happy Monday!

Today I thought I would share a quick Fast Forward video I created using some of my stamps combined with my 9x12 Grid Stencil. I love this stencil so much, it's so easy to use -- you can combine it with some doodles, zentangles and even collage. Really, you can use it with just about anything!

Here are a few pictures of the project -- and I just noticed that I have to erase my pencil lines now that the paint is dry, LoL!
Live, Love, Laugh Create Journal page by Catherine Scanlon using Art Gone Wild Stamps and Stencils

The Art Gone Wild! Products I used on this page :
-- Grid Stencil CSSTL-003

-- Journal Words SC-2701

-- Clear Letter Stamps LC-2702

-- Black Eyed Susan Cling Stamp AGC1-2692

-- Frames Clear Stamps LC-2705
Live, Love, Laugh Create Journal page by Catherine Scanlon using Art Gone Wild Stamps and Stencils
Live, Love, Laugh Create Journal page by Catherine Scanlon using Art Gone Wild Stamps and Stencils
 Thanks for dropping by today -- I hope you have a great week! 

Thursday, August 15

Oh Whatever -- It's finally time for Winston to talk!

I can hardly believe I've been telling you about the Whatevers for 13 months now and YOU HAVE NEVER heard from Winston. Well, today is the day where you start to hear where he's coming from.

But, before I get started with that -- make sure to take a look around at what everyone else is up to:
The Whatevers a Creative Story Telling Project by Catherine Scanlon and Friends
Winston was still haunted by the Gang of 12.
The Whatevers a Creative Story Telling Project by Catherine Scanlon and Friends
Every where he went he saw them.
The Whatevers a Creative Story Telling Project by Catherine Scanlon and Friends
They were in the landscape where the trees were. They were sitting at the table where his family sat -- even in the car beside him as he drove down the road.
The Whatevers a Creative Story Telling Project by Catherine Scanlon and Friends
The Gang of 12 was everywhere!
The Whatevers a Creative Story Telling Project by Catherine Scanlon and Friends
He knew eventually he would have to tell Cordelia who they were -- but right now he just wanted to enjoy the beautiful country, the peaceful drive with his beautiful wife and Mother in his favorite car without having to explain why they took him. 
The Whatevers a Creative Story Telling Project by Catherine Scanlon and Friends
Cordelia just woudn't understand.
The Whatevers a Creative Story Telling Project by Catherine Scanlon and Friends

Here's the picture that you can use if you want, just make sure to review the specifics of using it in the list below:


Here is how it works:
  • Vicki, Cat, Cuchy (Carmen), Martha and I and I have made a one-year commitment to each other and picked twelve photos with Whatevers whom we will give a story.
  • Every month – if possible always on the 15th –  each of us will do a post with an individual story that goes along for us with the same photo.
  • If you want you can play along and we will have the photo for you to download and show us your version of The Whatevers. The photo will be posted at the end of our blogposts- not on Facebook!
  • There are no rules to the story itself- it can be funny, sad, uplifting, breathtaking- WHATEVER
    There are no rules on the length or the form of the story- it can be a short sentence, an essay, a poem or a soap opera – WHATEVER
  • There are no rules on the artform you choose – it can be a scrapbook layout, an altered art project, an artjournal page – WHATEVER
  • Here is a rule though: if you take the photo you have to link back to us and show us your story.
  • These pictures are from our personal stash and are for personal use for you only! If you want to use them for a publication whether a book or magazine in print or digital form please ask for permission
  • If you want to participate we’ll have a linky list for each Whatever Post.
You can also join our The Whatevers -Facebook Page  or add your link to the Linky List below:

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, August 13

Art Journal Coloring Book.... A GIVEAWAY!

THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED and a winner has been drawn and notified! 

I still have a few coloring books left -- and I meant to do this when I first got them but I got busy --- so I thought I would offer a give away.

Leave me a comment with your email address and I will pick one lucky winner to receive the full coloring book on Monday, August 19th. I do apologize, due to the cost of shipping this is only being offered to readers in the US.

So, make sure to leave me a comment with your email address so I can reach you to let you know if you are the winner!

THANKS for stopping by -- and GOOD LUCK!

Friday, August 9

Art Gone Wild! and Friends - Stencil + Stamp Love!

Hello and HAPPY Friday. It's been a crazy week here -- but I'm happy to say I have crossed some major things off of my to-do list -- including re-purposing an old buffet into a new studio work table -- working out every day AND finishing some art for a fund raiser next month. Phew, it feels good to be on top of the list looking down NOT under it and LOOKING up. 

I even managed to create some art using some of my new stamps and stencils -- which I am so over the moon -- in love with. 

Today I thought I would share a bright and happy page I created using the Clear Stencil Stamp Alphabet set and the Journal Flowers 9"x12" stencil. You can view the catalog by clicking on the image below!

Art Journal Page by Catherine Scanlon using Art Gone Wild! & Friends 9” x 12” Journal Flowers Stencil + Clear Set LC-2702 Alphabet
 I started out by laying the stencil over a piece of Strathmore 140 lb. Mixed Media Paper and spraying it with black Liquetex spray paint. I think it was the low-odor version because it didn't smell at all and I didn't get an instant headache when I sprayed in the house!
Art Journal Page by Catherine Scanlon using Art Gone Wild! & Friends 9” x 12” Journal Flowers Stencil + Clear Set LC-2702 Alphabet
When that was dry I used black Distress Paint to paint the two focal flowers completely black -- because I knew I wanted to stamp and write in white. I also used the stencil as a template to trace the other flowers using a pretty patterned paper and used Ultra Matte Medium (my newest crush) to collage them in place.
Art Journal Page by Catherine Scanlon using Art Gone Wild! & Friends 9” x 12” Journal Flowers Stencil + Clear Set LC-2702 Alphabet
 When all that was dry I added lots of color with watercolor paints, distress paints and watercolor crayons.
Art Journal Page by Catherine Scanlon using Art Gone Wild! & Friends 9” x 12” Journal Flowers Stencil + Clear Set LC-2702 Alphabet
 I also watered down the distress paint a little and splattered the black paint here and there.
Art Journal Page by Catherine Scanlon using Art Gone Wild! & Friends 9” x 12” Journal Flowers Stencil + Clear Set LC-2702 Alphabet
When all that was dry I used white stamping ink to stamp the words using the Stencil Alphabet Clear Stamp Set and added some journaling with a white Gelli Pen. I also used a the white marker from Faber Castell to outline the flowers for a final touch.

I'm so happy with the way it turned out -- the color really makes me happy!

Thanks for stopping by -- have a GREAT weekend and I'll be back next week with some more things using my line of stamps and stencils with Art Gone Wild!

Thursday, August 8

Art Gone Wild! and Friends -- Another Stencil!

Good Morning -- can you believe it's Thursday already and for that matter that it's August 8th? Where has the summer gone? I know where mine has gone and I'm ok with it :-D School will be starting here in a few weeks -- so if you had plans of getting creative with your kiddos you might want to get started. 

Speaking of kids and school. I wanted to share another stencil that's in my Just Add Color line with Art Gone Wild! & Friends with you. This one REALLY WAS inspired by an article I read about kids doodling in school to take notes. The article said that if they were drawing what they wanted to remember for notes then they would have an easier time remembering the lesson. Since you all know by now that I love doodling -- it will come to no surprise that this idea immediately jumped into my head. 

Sometimes it can be a little daunting to look at a big blank piece of paper and want to start but not sure where. That's where this stencil comes in handy. Just plop it down, spritz it with some type of paint or marker and then draw in the spaces. 
 9” x 12” Art Journal page using "CSSTL-003 Grid Art Journal Stencil" by Catherine Scanlon for Art Gone Wild! and Friends 
9” x 12” Stencil CSSTL-003 Grid Art Journal 
Or, you would write. 
Or practice your fancy letters.
Or a combination or drawing, coloring and lettering like I did. 

9” x 12” Art Journal page using "CSSTL-003 Grid Art Journal Stencil" by Catherine Scanlon for Art Gone Wild! and Friends

Or, you could combine it with some collaged papers, a few doodles and some writing, like I did here. This little excerpt from Frida Kahlo really spoke to me, and made me giggle too.

You could also use this for card making, scrapbooking, or even use it for a Project Life page that's really popular right now!

Well, that's it for today! THANKS for stopping by -- and be sure to come back tomorrow I've got some MORE things from my Just Add Color line to share with you! Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, August 7

Nat Kalbach + StencilGirl + Crackle = HEAVEN!

I'm so excited to share something fun my sweetest friend Nat Kalbach has been working on this year -- her own line of stencils with StencilGirl. This one, the Crackle Stencil totally caught my eye the moment I saw it. I'm always after the elusive porcelein crackle -- and this stencil is AMAZING because it lets' me put the crackle exactly where I want it.

Crackle Stencil by Nat Kalbach!

Will you look at this gorgeous stencil? 

Crackle Stencil by Nat Kalbach!
Oh, and what about these paints just waiting to be used with it??
For this piece of art, I started with a piece of 10 x 10 140 lb. Strathmore Mixed Media Paper and did what I do best -- filled the space with whimsical flowers.
Happy Flowers 10 x 10 Art using Crackle Stencil by Nat Kalbach for Stencil Girl.
I used a variety of types of paint to get the color -- as well as some colored pencils, distress paint and even some watercolor crayons.
Happy Flowers 10 x 10 Art using Crackle Stencil by Nat Kalbach for Stencil Girl.
When I got to the stage where the base was painted and dry -- I grabbed the crackle stencil to use in the center of the flowers. First I laid down a pretty heavy layer of Modeling Paste using a palette knife to get that gorgeous crackle texture in the center of most of the flowers.  When that was dry I covered the modeling paste crackle with some yellow and orange acrylic paint.
Happy Flowers 10 x 10 Art using Crackle Stencil by Nat Kalbach for Stencil Girl.
I really wasn't happy with it until I added some crackle with Golden Magenta acrylic paint and a stencil brush. The crackles just popped right out -- and I knew I was done. As a final touch, I added some stems to a few of the flowers using strips of vintage text. A little deetail work here and there with colored pencils and it was complete. I love how this turned out -- and I can't wait to take it to the Brunswick 10 x 10 Sale at the Library.

Happy Flowers 10 x 10 Art using Crackle Stencil by Nat Kalbach for Stencil Girl.

Oh, and look at the mess I made. It sure was fun though.

I did use a piece of that newsprint I use to protect my table for some mail art. the crackle stencil made it on that piece as well!

So, now that you've seen what I've done with Nat's beautiful crackle stencil, hop on over to see what everyone else created. I know I can't wait! 
I'm pretty sure you might find a GIVEAWAY over at Nat's Blog :)

BUT...she tells me if you comment here too you will have another entry into her giveaway! As a matter of fact she will give you an entry into the giveaway for each blog you comment on--how cool is that!  Nathalie gives away one of the this Crackle Stencils plus you have six OTHER chances to win it.

To be eligible to win 6 TIMES, just leave a comment on each of the listed blogs and on my blog and let us know how you like the projects and Nathalie will pick randomly one lucky winner. You have time to comment till August 13, 2013 - midnight EST.

THANKS for stopping by today -- and please join me in celebrating the lovely Nat Kalbach and her amazing stencils today! 

Monday, August 5

Art Journal Page for Sizzix

I meant to post this on Friday but a summer cold kicked my butt to the curb for the weekend. The curb, of course is slang for hanging out on the couch watching tv and drawing new art designs. I'm back today -- and determined to get back on schedule as quickly as I can. 

Today (make believe it's last Friday!) I wanted to share an art journal page I did using some gorgeous Dena Designs Stamps from Sizzix. They were so fun to work with -- for a quick tutorial and more images click on the link below and head on over tot he Sizzix blog to see the whole page!
Art Journal Page by Catherine Scanlon for Sizzix
Thanks for stopping byt today, have a lovely and creative day!

Thursday, August 1

Art Gone Wild! and Friends -- Let's Talk about STENCILS!

Good Morning and HAPPY Thursday! Today I wanted to share with you one of my stencils -- while I might say that it's my favorite -- tomorrow I might say something else is my favorite. I really LOVE all my products from Art Gone Wild! They are really easy to work with while giving you room to add your own artsy fartsy flair. You gotta love that!

Today I wanted to share the 9x12 Journal Paisley. This stencil is really verstatile -- allowing you to use it on cards, scrapbook pages and also in your art journals!

For this page, you can see I used it as a journal page entry and then added my flair for doodling to it. I simply placed it on a piece of 9x12 Strathmore Mixed Media Paper and sprayed it with Liquitex Low Odor (I think that's what it's called) spray paint. When that was dry I did some doodling in pencil and then added color with watercolor paints, Gelli Pens, Distress Paint and some markers and colored pencils too.

When all the wet media was dry I outlined some of the areas and added details here and there with a black Multi-Liner. The journaling in the center was done with a white Gelli.

I love how this page turned out.

Journal Paisley Stencil by Catherine Scanlon for Art Gone Wild! and Friends
9” x 12” Stencil CSSTL-002 Journal Paisley

The second project I want to share with you is a 5x7 card. To create this card I placed the stencil on a piece of the same mixed media paper and t raced the lines with a pencil. Then I went in and added the color with a lot of different mediums and let it dry. Once it was dry I rounded the corners and stitch the paisley panel to a piece of black cardstock and also to the blank card base. The sentiment was created in Word and printed on cardstock and added to the card with foam tape -- and voila -- a colorful and happy card to send someone that needs a little pick me up! 
Journal Paisley Stencil by Catherine Scanlon for Art Gone Wild! and Friends
Thanks for stopping by today, I'll be back on Monday to share some samples from another stencil! Have a GREAT day!