Tuesday, July 31
My Day AT HOME ALONE is about over!!
Monday, July 30
The week is MINE!

My big V. retires from the Navy tomorrow. 20 years, 5 months and 16 days and now he's done. Totally done serving - but he's going back to work for the government as a contractor working in the SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) Program. He's a happy camper. Today we spent the day in and out of the car getting new ID cards, new stickers for the car, enrolling in new medical programs, stopping by my Local Scrapbook store (oh, ooooops LOL) and just the final business of getting out of the Navy.
I haven't had a chance to work in my studio since Thursday and I'm itching....itching to finish the project that is patiently waiting. I finally found the fabric that does her some justice now I just need the time. Hopefully a snippet of time tomorrow.....actually I think it'll definetly happen...it's gotta happen....please let it happen....LOL. nighty night!!
Friday, July 27
Friday.....wow it's HOT!!
Wednesday, July 25
Busy Busy Busy!
Saturday, July 21
Absolutely Everything Class!
Friday, July 20
EpiPEN oh my!!
And this moment was about 7 minutes later. Big V and Little V were playing rock paper scissors.
And this is just before she wiped all the stuff off! He's allergic to dust mites, cats, dogs, 3 kinds of grass, ragweed, pigweed, plantain, cottonwood trees, walnut-oak-elm-elder-birch-maple-beech and willow trees......and he's not allergic to milk or mold.
THEN she had to put all kindsa stuff with a needle UNDER his skin because they wanted to get a more definitive answer on some of his allergies. So she came back after 10 minutes, looked at me and said - do you carry an epipen around with you? {insert TOTAL freak out inside my head} WHAT? huh? WHY?? No. WHY? Because he's SO allergic to SOY that you should think about that.
What. Then we got lessons on using an EpiPen. then I totally freaked out. again. and again. and again.
Wednesday, July 18
Crazy Rock Lady!!
Monday, July 16
July ScrapMuse Kit!

YUP, I've finally got some work to do. Phew.
Saturday, July 14
My OLD man is 42 Today!!
This is a picture of my very own Tim the Tool Man's bootox as he was hanging something for me. Gotta love it. HA.
And this is a picture of my Little V acting silly with some wildflowers....
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Thursday, July 12
What's WRONG with this picture?
Wednesday, July 11
This is the masterbedroom. Lovely color, very spacious and a very happy place to be. LOVE the color, oh - I already said that! ha.
Monday, July 9
Whew, I'm back!
This is the view of my studio in the door way that leads to the kitchen. I love my room. It's awesome - I have been waiting all my life for a room like this!
This is my beloved worktable that I have - just today - been reunited with after 8 long years. It went into storage right about now 8 years ago - and along came a boy...but that's another story.
This is the view of the kitchen from the doorway to my studio. The laundry room is to the right.
This is the view from the kitchen into the livingroom.
This is the view from the same spot I took the livingroom picture from only this is the dining room. Well, that's all for now folks, I've got LOTS of other things to catch up on too! I promise to share more pictures tomorrow...nighty night.